Blog Archives

Marty Leamy Joins Espial Group, Ottawa

Dear Friends & Colleagues: I wanted to drop you a quick note to inform you that I have joined Espial Group Inc. as CEO. Espial is a private, well-funded software and services company based in Ottawa, Canada. Espial has done

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Shuttle Columbia Lost

Colonel Rick Husband, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Anderson, Commander Laurel Clark, Captain David Brown, Commander William McCool, Dr. Kalpana Chawla, and Ilan Ramon a colonel in the Israeli air force. From President Bush’s Remarks: All Americans today are thinking, as well,

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Star Trek Iraq

The Iraqi Ambassador to the UN has just finished giving a speech, and walks out into the lobby where he meets President Bush. They shake hands and, after a brief chat about world affairs, the Iraqi says, “I have a

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Expedia Sucks

Thread is in reverse chronological sequence: Dear Mark, I do apologize if you feel that our agent did not address your concern properly. I do understand your concern. However, after reviewing your case, I was able to determine that you

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Black Gold, Texas Tea …

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The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That’s where we come in; we’re computer professionals. We cause accidents. — Nathaniel Borenstein more quotes

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Sunday Afternoon in Jupiter Florida

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As long as I’m on a human-nature kick, this seems appropriate. I encoutered it first in Joyce Carol Oates’ book, The Best American Essays of the Century. “Corn-pone Opinions” was found in Mark Twain’s papers after his death. It was

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The Modern Myth of Reason (Part I)

Spock: “Emotional, isn’t she?” Sarek: “She has always been so.” Spock “Indeed. Why did you marry her?” Sarek: “It seemed the logical thing to do at the time.” — Star Trek (Journey to Babel, original series) While we in the

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B3 d++ t k s- u f i+ o x- e l c+

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