Abacoa Golf Club Jupiter, Florida 17th Hole ~5′
The Britney Spears Guide to Semiconductor Physics Who does this stuff?
magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri. quis enim, consortes mei, non fateatur, cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos link
Published October 13, 2003 PARA13 ‘Oakdale, we have a problem’ “We’ve got a situation here.” Those words are music to the ears of the people at Oakdale-based MissionMode Solutions. The company specializes in designing “collaboration tools” to connect decision-makers in…
A meteor shower lights up the night sky. Five people were injured and two houses gutted when a meteorite crashed to earth in eastern India after panicking hundreds of villagers as it shot across the sky, reports and residents said.(AFP/File/Jamal…