Blog Archives

MongoDB is web scale

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Cloud Computing Explained

Cloud Computing Explained by Mark Fetherolf, Chief Technology Officer, InterAct Cloud computing brings a sensational array of opportunities to the public safety community, not only to eliminate the cost of massively redundant infrastructure, but also to open communication channels that

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Tweets-by-beat – Seattle

Another Innovative use of Twitter to connect the public with public safety using “hyper-local” twitter accounts. Incidents, with a few exceptions, such as sexual assault, are tweeted on a one hour delay (to reduce gawking and interference with investigations). Of

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Software Liberals and Conservatives

Steve Yegge defines software liberals and conservatives here. He writes: … Software engineering has its own political axis, ranging from conservative to liberal. (Note: Technically, you could stop reading right here and be at pretty much 90% comprehension. In case

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Apple Guy

Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu View more presentations from Bryan Rieger.

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Gravitational Waves

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59-year-old Akira Haraguchi of Japan recently broke the world record for the recited number of digits of Pi. Haraguchi-san recited an amazing 83,431 digits of Pi during a 13-hour overnight stretch. See The PI World Ranking List for more records

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Project Failure

ACM Queue – The one-minute risk assessment tool – An analysis of risks in software development, using data from senior IT managers, produced surprising results. Our one-minute assessment tool applies those results to assessing the risks of specific projects.

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A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company. — Gian Vincenzo Gravina From quote-of-the-day

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