Personality Types

Type A — Competitive, driven, stressed, workaholic

Type B — Relaxed, patient, friendly

Type C — Reticent, unassertive, nice to a fault

Type D — Anxious, insecure, gloomy, depressed

Type E — High-achieving, perfectionist, everything to everybody

Type F — Prone to forwarding e-mail messages

Type H — Hostile, hateful

Type I — Egocentric

Type J — Orderly, neat

Type M — Melodramatic

Type O — Prone to making spelling mistakes

Type P — Persistent

Type R — Responsive

Type S — Doesn’t get enough sleep

Type T — Thrill-seeking

Type V — Plain, simple (vanilla)

Type W — Wacko

Type X — Domineering, tyrannical

Type Z — Extremely laid back (the “opposite” of a Type A)

From WordSpy

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