Blog Archives

Feature Bloat Epidemic Threatens Public Safety Systems

Based on this informal Linkedin poll, 70% of us agree with the proposition that we could live with half the features in our applications, and that performance and reliability are more important qualities.   This is not a surprising result.

Posted in Commentary, Politics and Government, Public Safety

What is the Cost of a Wrong Idea?

In a panel discussion at the 2012 International Association of Chiefs of Police conference, former San Jose Chief Rob Porter talked about a project: Our department made the decision that we were going to customize a report writing software program,

Posted in Commentary, Politics and Government, Public Safety

Mitigating the Risks of Cloud Computing in Law Enforcement

From IBM’s Center for the Business of Government. InterAct and I are mentioned on pages 21 and 34.

Posted in Cloud, Politics and Government, Public Safety, Shameless Self-promotion, Tech

NASCIO’s 2012 State CIO Survey Shows Big Shift to the Cloud

The 2012 NASCIO Survey includes the table shown here (I added the bar chart for clarity). Those describing themselves as “highly invested” only grew by 1%, but 65% more reported having some applications in the cloud and considering others.  Furthermore, those

Posted in Cloud, Politics and Government, Public Safety

The Tyranny of the Tiers in Public Safety Software

Everyone in the public safety software business knows The Tiers. Agencies are ranked by population served. Vendors are classified according to their customers’ tiers. Exact definitions of the tiers vary but the concept is the consistent.  Big cities are usually Tier

Posted in Commentary, Politics and Government, Public Safety

Teachers of the common herd

Capital must protect itself in every way…Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily

Posted in Politics and Government

Just Another Day

Posted in News and Events, Politics and Government

If this is the greatest, well damn …

McCain’s move: Putting priorities or politics first? – “Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, called McCain’s decision to suspend his campaign the ‘greatest single act of responsibility ever taken by a presidential candidate.”

Posted in Politics and Government

Wall St. Moral Rot: Spreading To Politics, Main St.? : NPR

Wall St. Moral Rot: Spreading To Politics, Main St.? : NPR

Posted in Politics and Government