“We don’t care what smart people think. there aren’t that many of them.” Dilbert comic strip for 10/21/2012 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive..
“We don’t care what smart people think. there aren’t that many of them.” Dilbert comic strip for 10/21/2012 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive..
Read Part 1 Software as a Service In the SaaS model, a vendor takes responsibility for not only infrastructure, but also for all of the processes required to manage an entire application solution (patches, upgrades, backups, database management, systems tuning, performance management, etc.).…
The U.S. Federal Government has adopted a “cloud first” policy that requires agencies default to cloud-based solutions whenever a secure, reliable, cloud option exists. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a three volume Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap and…